Whole Body Pelvic Health by Claire Sparrow

Unlock Your Inner Strength: Say Goodbye to Pelvic Pain and Hello to a Limitless Life

Live a fulfilled life doing what you love, without being at the mercy of your pelvic floor symptoms and become the expert of your own body with this unique method.

Does this sound like you?

• You've tried the traditional pelvic floor exercises and they haven't worked?

• You've been told the only option is surgery?

• You experience pelvic health pain in your hips, stomach, vagina and back?

• You suffer with incontinence?

• You have a prolapse and have been told you need surgery?

• You struggle with doing the day-to-day activities you used to do like walking, running, jumping on a trampoline with the kids?

• You feel fed up and at the point of accepting this as normal?

What if I told you I know things could be different?

My Story

When I discovered I had separated abdominal muscles, then again when I received the devastating news that I had a pelvic organ prolapse. I felt weak, scared & like my body had let me down, and I had let it down. 

I thought, "How could this be happening to me?" 

After recovering from post-natal depression and slowly creating exercises as a prescription to heal, I began to feel better.

Through trial and error, I discovered the more I moved and the more of me I moved (instead of doing those pull-in and up exercises I had learned as a young dancer & Pilates Teacher); I not only healed my mind, I healed my abdominal muscles and Pelvic Floor.

How amazing would it be if things were like this instead?

What if I said you could put an end to the worries you experience about accidents, pains, or limitations on daily activities? You could enjoy a spontaneous dance with friends, a hearty laugh, or a fun family day out on the trampoline, without a second thought?

How amazing would it be if things were like this instead?

What if I said the feelings of frustration, embarrassment, and isolation you feel in relation to your pelvic health symptoms would be eased and eradicated? In my community of incredible women you will not be alone in your journey. My method method can lead to a significant improvement in your overall mental health, adding to a sense of joy and fulfillment in your life.

How amazing would it be if things were like this instead?

What if I said you can reclaim your life, your way? Feel confident in your skin again, embracing your strength, and living each day as a testament to your resilience. And the best part? You do all this without having to consider surgical interventions. Your body, your rules, your life - renewed, reclaimed, and revitalised.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

I work with thousands of women like you who are suffering in silence with pelvic health symptoms that can be healed and restored. Women who have been told the only option is surgery.

You are NOT alone.

Many of the women I work with have tried the standard pelvic floor exercises and have not seen any improvement to their pelvic health. This one size fits all approach which the NHS advices us to do isn't working for many women because one size DOESN'T fit all.

This is why my unique approach will make the difference you are looking for - we don't adopt the standardised exercises, I aim to bring balance back so your body can heal itself, restore itself and you can achieve all the goals you set for yourself in life.

Which is why I’m so excited to introduce my:

Whole Body Pelvic Health Course

Here's what you will experience and enjoy with my unique, empowering course...

Immerse Yourself in Interactive Learning: Through a mixture of lectures and live classes to take, you will engage, absorb, and start the transformation that will bring you closer to a life free of pelvic discomfort.

Empowerment at Your Fingertips: You have a personal collection of over 50 classes, providing lifelong access to invaluable lessons. At your leisure, tap into this reservoir of knowledge, enhancing your understanding and accelerating your journey to recovery.

Diversify Your Knowledge: Get inspired with unique insights on your anatmoy with guest speaker Anna Crowle. She is an industry expert and will enhance your understanding of pelvic health, equipping you with fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:

Complete access to the DIY Whole Body Pelvic Health Method

Over 50 hours of life-changing content in delivered in a way that teaches you to understand your body as a whole and restore from the inside out. The format includes lessons with me to help you understand my method followed by classes on breathing and full classes ordered in such a way that you start at the beginning and work through the method at your own pace with my guidance and expertise.

Join now for just £369

“Once I did the first session I instantly knew this was right for me. It was pitched at the right level and I love the short sessions because I can fit it around my family.

For me, I know that even though I'm mainly pain free now I can't become complacent as it now has to be a way of life, it's not just a short term fix.

I almost feel like Claire is in the room with me, which is quite a skill! She brings so much energy to the screen! I feel so much more confident from doing this course.. I feel like I know more about my birth injury, I understand my body more and I know it's limits.”

— Lisa

“This course has totally changed my life since starting it 18 months ago. Things I no longer do:

- pack spare knickers / trousers with me when I go out for more than 2 hrs

- spend money on pant liners

- avoid running, jumping, cycling

- cross my legs before sneezing / coughing

- worry about smelling of pee

- fall over all the time

Most importantly, it gave me a sense of self-confidence again. I’d spent years in such a dark place, it was incredible to realise I could heal myself just by moving my body. The course was really easy to follow and genuinely enjoyable - feels like I’d had a deep massage after each session.

If anyone is on the fence about doing this - please just do it! Your pelvic floor is for life, you won’t ever regret investing in it ”

— Faye

“When I had a prolapse two years ago, it felt like a part of my life had ended. I have stuck to Whole Body Pelvic Health and my symptoms have slowly and steadily improved to such an extent that I am almost back to my old self. Doing Claire's classes regularly means that I have taken control of my situation and am making a positive choice to get better.

The classes are easy to follow and Claire's approach is gentle and kind and funny. Two years on, my symptoms are hugely reduced and I am back to doing all the things I enjoy, including my two favourites; gardening and looking after my grandchildren. But most importantly of all, I have emerged from the very dark place I went to when a prolapse was diagnosed, and I feel confident, cheerful, optimistic and emotionally and mentally well again.”

— Sally


What is the Whole Body Pelvic Health method?

The Whole Body Pelvic Health method is a unique approach developed by Claire Sparrow, aimed at helping women suffering from pelvic health issues. The method relies on four key concepts and a series of Pre-Pilates Classes that allow women to take control of their pelvic health and progress towards their goals at their own pace.

How do I know if the DIY course or membership is for me?

If you would like continuous live classes, the ability to take part in live Q&A sessions with me and some accountability and be part of an online community then the membership is for you.

If you would like all of the WBPH magic and would like to just work through it at your own pace and you're not fussed about accessing regular new content then the DIY course is for you.

How long does it take to complete the Whole Body Pelvic Health course?

The course is designed to be completed within 3 to 6 months. However, the exact duration can vary depending on individual progress and commitment.

Can I join the course or membership if I have never done Pilates before?

Yes, the course is designed for individuals of all experience levels. Whether you're new to Pilates or have some experience, the Whole Body Pelvic Health method will guide you step by step towards improving your pelvic health.

© Copyright 2023 Whole Body Pelvic Health