Mum to three boys

I know how busy life is as a mum! I also know how important it is to be strong, flexible & healthy to keep up with my children. I discovered I had Diastasis Recti after having my first son & I was utterly devastated. I was fit & healthy & this was unexpected. I learned all I could about the condition & set about healing my own & then working with other women. 16 years later & two more babies I have specialised in helping women achieving all their post natal goals.

Benefits of Post Natal Pilates Online

- Regain your strength in a safe & progressive way

- Restore your abdominal muscles & pelvic floor

- Eliminate the aches & pains in your shoulders, back & hips

- Reduce stiffness & improve flexibility throughout our body

- Achieve mind body balance & a sense of calm

- Exercise at home any time or on the app on the go

Achieve it all in bite sized classes that can dovetail into your day smoothly & easily.

Exercise While Baby Plays

Time & space is not a problem. Classes are as short as 5 minutes, can be done standing, sitting & on the floor by your baby while they play. You don't even need any special equipment to achieve your goals of improved posture, restored core strength and increased flexibility!

Expert Teaching

A leader & expert in her field, Claire has been teaching for over twenty years, educates student teachers, presents internationally, is a Best Selling Author & is a mum to three & has taught 100's of women during their pregnancy & post natal recovery. She works closely with leading anatomy researchers & women's health Physiotherapists.

Improve Your Life

I teach Pilates so that you can be the best mum, women & athlete of your own life that you truly want to be & deserve to be!

Whether you want to run a marathon, play a sport, take long walks or just keep up with your children. This course will set you up with the best foundation to do it all!

Claire Sparrow
I wanted to create the course that I wish I had! After having my first son I had Diastasis Recti and had little to no support so I made it my mission to learn all I could to heal myself. I then went on to teach 100's of women through multiple pregnancies over the last 15 years."

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