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Let's Talk Pelvic Organ Prolapse!

50% of women have it and it is treatable WITHOUT surgery .

It's time to reframe what pelvic organ prolapse is and

It's time to reinvent pelvic floor exercises!

Sound familiar?

  • Do you suffer with incontinence that you have decided is simply a part of life now?

  • Do you suffer with constant or sporadic tummy and pelvic pain?

  • Do you ever experience a dragging, pulling feeling in your vagina?

  • Do you sometimes feel like there's something coming down into your vagina – or like you're sitting on a small ball?

  • Do you experience discomfort during sex?

Well, I am so happy to let you know that there is a solution, you CAN get your life back and I am going to show you how!

Join me LIVE in June for a series of Pilates for Prolapse Pilates classes to celebrate Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness Month.

👇Sign up to be the first to hear more BELOW 👇

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© Copyright 2023 Claire Sparrow Pilates