Ready to make some serious changes but not sure where to start?

Join us for the entire month of June and train with Pelvic Health Expert Claire Sparrow for free!

Get ready to take back control of your pelvic health and say NO to the symptoms affecting the quality of your life

Does this sound like you?

• You have a prolapse and have been told you need surgery?

• You experience pelvic health pain in your hips, stomach, vagina and back?

• You suffer with incontinence?

• You struggle with doing the day-to-day activities you used to do like walking, running, jumping on a trampoline with the kids?

• You feel fed up and at the point of accepting this as normal?

What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

If you search online for a definition of pelvic organ prolapse, you will find something like this: Pelvic organ prolapse is a dropped or fallen organ and they will go on to say that the cause is weak pelvic floor muscles.

I imagine this sort of definition will be familiar to you and you are not alone. It wasn’t until I had my own personal experience of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) that I started to question this very definition and cause.

What will you get?

❤️ In June, there will be a session on prolapse covering:
👉Definition and types
👉Effects on women, including less-known symptoms like sciatica and Piriformis syndrome

❤️Top exercises tailored for each type of prolapse

❤️Short Pre-Pilates class specifically designed for prolapse

❤️Live Q&A session to address pelvic floor health, prolapse, and Pilates-related queries

❤️Resources provided for better understanding of body, prolapse, and reasons behind traditional exercises not meeting expectations

❤️Sharing of a success story of a woman who overcame prolapse using the techniques discussed

Why Pilates for Prolapse?

Pilates for Prolapse isn't just another exercise programme. It's a movement, a shared initiative that brings together women like you who are ready to transform their pelvic health.

Led by Claire Sparrow, an expert in Pilates and pelvic health, this four-week journey will introduce you to a carefully curated selection of Pilates exercises specifically tailored to enhance pelvic floor function, address pain, and tackle issues like incontinence.

Dates for your Diary


Wednesday 5th June 20:00 BST


Wednesday 12th June 20:00 BST


Wednesday 19th June 20:00 BST


Wednesday 26th June 20:00 BST

We start in...

We can tell you the Whole Body Pelvic Health Method works, but it's much better to read about some real transformations from other women like you...

“Once I did the first session I instantly knew this was right for me. It was pitched at the right level and I love the short sessions because I can fit it around my family.

For me, I know that even though I'm mainly pain free now I can't become complacent as it now has to be a way of life, it's not just a short term fix.

I almost feel like Claire is in the room with me, which is quite a skill! She brings so much energy to the screen! I feel so much more confident from doing this course.. I feel like I know more about my birth injury, I understand my body more and I know it's limits.”

— Lisa

“This course has totally changed my life since starting it 18 months ago. Things I no longer do:

- pack spare knickers / trousers with me when I go out for more than 2 hrs

- spend money on pant liners

- avoid running, jumping, cycling

- cross my legs before sneezing / coughing

- worry about smelling of pee

- fall over all the time

Most importantly, it gave me a sense of self-confidence again. I’d spent years in such a dark place, it was incredible to realise I could heal myself just by moving my body. The course was really easy to follow and genuinely enjoyable - feels like I’d had a deep massage after each session.

If anyone is on the fence about doing this - please just do it! Your pelvic floor is for life, you won’t ever regret investing in it ”

— Faye

“When I had a prolapse two years ago, it felt like a part of my life had ended. I have stuck to Whole Body Pelvic Health and my symptoms have slowly and steadily improved to such an extent that I am almost back to my old self. Doing Claire's classes regularly means that I have taken control of my situation and am making a positive choice to get better.

The classes are easy to follow and Claire's approach is gentle and kind and funny. Two years on, my symptoms are hugely reduced and I am back to doing all the things I enjoy, including my two favourites; gardening and looking after my grandchildren. But most importantly of all, I have emerged from the very dark place I went to when a prolapse was diagnosed, and I feel confident, cheerful, optimistic and emotionally and mentally well again.”

— Sally

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